Interpreter Training, Workshops and Master Classes

Worried about passing your upcoming interpreting exam?

 Check out our instructor-led skills-building webinars and our self-paced on demand offerings. The webinars have options for legal interpreting continuing education credit. The techniques-building classes are practical for medical interpreters as well. Topics include sight translation, consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, ethics, people management and more! If you would like personalized guidance, private sessions are also available. 

Looking for guidance and accountability? 

Our Master Classes are the way to go! We will give you the tools you need to level up your interpreting skills, in a demanding but supportive team environment. Our holistic approach helps you learn to manage your stress and be the best interpreter you can be!

A young woman bites her pencil in frustration while looking at her laptop screen at her desk.

We have been coaching “prospective geeks” to pass their interpreting exams since 2013. 

Our students have demonstrated remarkable success.

On Demand Courses

Learn at whatever time is convient for you!

We offer on-demand courses for Continuing Education and For the love of learning.

Master Classes

If you’re an interpreter struggling to level up your skills our Master Classes are for you!

“Our pass rate for the recent FCICE oral exam was 50% compared to the national average of 20%”

Upcoming Workshops & Community Events

No workshops are available at the moment, but please check Webinars or On Demand for more learning opportunities.

From the Blog

Brain Marathon Training

Dear Readers, Happy September! I’ll never understand how, but time just keeps whizzing by. I hope that you have all enjoyed your summer. I spent mine in the trenches of remote interpreting (and attending Co>Lab, a peer study group for interpreting nerds!) but that will be a story for a

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Brain Marathon Training

Dear Readers, Happy September! I’ll never understand how, but time just keeps whizzing by. I hope that you have all enjoyed your summer. I spent mine in the trenches of remote interpreting (and attending Co>Lab, a peer study group for interpreting nerds!) but that will be a story for a

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