Welcome to our On Demand page.
Now, you can learn at whatever time is convenient for you! We all have busy lives, and sometimes it’s just not possible to sign up for an instructor-led class. That’s why we’ve created our on demand offerings. Once purchased, the class will be available in your account for 30 days.
Always make sure to have a good internet connection, a notepad and pen, and a recording device so you can participate to the max!

Courses for Continuing Education
Our On Demand Continuing Education is finally here! Our Applied Consecutive Note-Taking classes have been approved for credit by multiple states. Once purchased, you can simply watch the class recording, answer the quiz, and earn your Certificate of Completion. Please remember we are not an “Easy A.” You will need to pay close attention in order to successfully complete the course.
The above courses have been approved for continuing education credit by AZ (1.25), CA (1.25), CO (1), FL (1.5), MA (0.75), NC (1.25), NV (1), OH (1.2), OK (1.5), OR (1), TX (1.25) and WA (1).
Classes For The Love of Learning!
Are you an interpreter hoping to improve your technique? Do you find the topics below to be particularly relevant? These classes are available simply for the love of learning. No quizzes, no certificates, no muss, no fuss. Just a chance to geek out with a major interpreting nerd and have fun learning!
Community Events Archive
Throughout the year, Athena Sky Interpreting hosts Community Events. The goal is for members of our profession to come together, pool resources, and learn about interesting topics at an affordable rate. Here, you can find the archives of past Community Events. The small associated fee goes toward covering administrative costs, and a portion will be donated to Circus with a Purpose, an organization that helps Nicaraguan children stay off the streets and gives them a brighter future.