Community Coffee Hour: Testing, Testing! (Testing Tips)


In August 2022, we held a community coffee hour. The topic? Tests, tests…and more tests!

To bring yourself to the next level as a professional interpreter and to get the assignments you really want, you have to bring your A-game to interpreting exams without succumbing to panic or test anxiety. Even if you tend to do well in exam situations, knowledge is power. During this event, we shared knowledge about the structure of common interpreting tests (such as the state and federal level exams) for legal and medical interpreters. We discussed managing our nerves and proper prepping so that you can be as successful as possible on test day! Audience Q & A wraps up the session. Length of recording: 1 hr, 25 minutes.

Community coffee hours are an affordable way to bring our community together. The offering is for the love of learning only (there are no certificates or continuing education credits). A portion of the proceeds will go to Circus with a Purpose, an organization that helps children in Nicaragua find a better future. All sales are final.

On demand purchases are available for 30 days from date of purchase. To access them, simply log into your athenaskyinterpreting account. Start watching today! 
