Welcome to the Resources Page! This section was created to help bring the interpreting community together. Why re-invent the wheel researching term after term when someone has already done the work for you? Please enjoy.
Regarding the materials: I have personally used these materials over the years and found them to be extremely helpful. If you have any you would like me to add, send me a message and I’ll consider them. For more information on how to study on your own, read this blog.
Regarding glossaries: Reading a list of terms until your eyes glaze over is not the most effective memory tool. Consider, instead, audio glossaries, created so you can actively absorb new vocabulary while working around the house or going out for a walk. Similarly, reviewing terms on Quizlet allows us to study in creative ways, making vocabulary acquisition interesting and, dare I say, fun?
Happy studying!

Study Materials
Court Interpreting
a. Use Acebo! For aspiring interpreters, I recommend purchasing both Edge 21 and Interpreter’s Edge. Other language and language-neutral options are available. Read the instructions, go slow, record yourself, and don’t get discouraged! These materials are meant to be hard.
b. Also try The Confident Interpreter! They have Spanish-language and language-neutral options.
c. De la Mora Interpreter Training has both Spanish-language and language-neutral options as well!
d. For shadowing/vocabulary practice in French: CLICK HERE and HERE!
e. For sample language-neutral test materials, CLICK HERE.
f. Read New Jersey’s FULL EXAM OVERVIEW.
g. Check out Interpretrain’s 3-step method, with vocabulary and self-grading tools!
Medical Interpreting
a. Acebo again! Look for the Interpreter’s RX.
b. For bilingual medical glossaries in 28 different languages, check out the Cross Cultural Health Care Program.
c. Online Medical Glossary: Medical Spanish Dialogues.
d. Medical Interpreting Study Sets: Quizlet!
e. Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network – Interpreting in Health Care: Educational Resources
f. California Healthcare Interpreting Association (CHIA) Webinar on Certification
g. Coursera courses for “Medical Interpreting”
h. Coursera course “Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students“
i. French medical interpreting: Medical ENT exam
Written FCICE Exam Preparation
- Amazon Practicing Spanish Grammar
- Amazon A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish
- Amazon 30 Days To a More Powerful Vocab
- Amazon El Derecho en Español
- Amazon El español jurídico
- Amazon Street Spanish
- Amazon Larousse Gramática de la Lengua Española
- Amazon En otras palabras
- Amazon Advanced Spanish Grammar
- Amazon Spanish GRE Series
Prueba “PSU” Chile (similar al SAT de acá)
- Resolución Modelo de Prueba de Lenguaje y Comunicación
- Modelo de Prueba de Lenguaje y Comunicación
- Modelo de Prueba de Lenguaje y Comunicación
- Modelo de Prueba de Lenguaje y Comunicación
Quizlet Study Sets:
News Publications
Note Taking
a. Check out Interpretrain’s Manual.
b. Also see Acebo’s Consecutive Interpretation and Note Taking.
Written Court Interpreting Exam (Consortium)
a. Check out this self-guided package from de la Mora Interpreter Training, including quizzes and a mock exam
b. Purchase mock exams HERE from University of Arizona.
c. Most states have a full description of this exam. Read New Jersey’s HERE.
d. To prepare for the courtroom procedures section, purchase LAW AND THE COURTS, volumes I, II and III.
e. NJ Exam overview with sample tests (written)
Federal Court Interpreter Exam
a. Check out Interpretrain’s 3-step method, with vocabulary practice, original exercises adapted from real-life proceedings, and a self-grading tool!
b. Again, Acebo, using Edge 21 and Interpreter’s Edge. For a super challenging boost, check out Interpreter’s Edge: Turbo Edition.
c. University of Arizona: Use the Legal Interpretools and also check out their practice exams. I like these practice materials because they have multi-speed simultaneous and complex, expert witness terminology.
d. Federal Court Interpreter Exam Resource List for the Federal Written and Oral Exams
e. Federal Exam Coffee Hour for tips on passing both sections of the Federal Exam. Enjoy!
f. Interpretrain and Athena Sky Interpreting Webinar: Tips for passing Oral Federal Exam
g. Federal Oral Mock Exam by University of Arizona
h. Federal Court Interpreter Mock Exam by Certified Spanish Interpreters
Sign Language
Considering one in five Americans have hearing loss in at least one ear and three out of every 1000 children are born deaf or hard of hearing, it’s no surprise that qualified interpreters for those impaired are often in high demand. To best support their students, has curated a career outlook resource for those interested in studying sign language and Deaf culture:
Studying American Sign Language
French Interpreting
a. Check out these standard jury instructions provided by Canada’s National Judicial Institute.
b. Also, Canada’s National Institute’s rules of evidence.
c. Information from France’s Department of Justice about how a civil trial in a local court works.
d. A video on the parts of a car.
e. Another video for car-related vocabulary.
f. A video lesson on vowels in French.
g. A 2-minute clip on Radio France to help you with shadowing at a fast pace.
h. A YouTube channel about court in France with many videos for shadowing.
i. An informative webpage about fingerprints.
j. A video describing the stages of a criminal trial, perfect for shadowing.
Audio Glossaries
SpnEng Audio Glossaries
These spoken glossaries were created by Athena Matilsky and Gerda Prato, based on documents provided by the Pennsylvania AOC Interpreter’s Orientation. CLICK HERE for Spanish-English audio glossaries on facial expressions, body types, courtroom terms and much more!
EngFrn Audio Glossaries
These spoken glossaries were created by Athena Matilsky, based off of the terms encountered during interpreting study. CLICK HERE to study! Please note that you may disagree with certain translations, and pronunciation is not perfect! However, this is a great way to actively absorb new vocabulary.
Interactive Quizlet Glossaries
SpnEng Interactive Glossaries
For creative ways to practice idioms, slang, weapons and more CLICK HERE and join the Quizlet class, Federal Interpreters or Bust! Please feel free to correct any typos or mistranslations. This is a group effort!
FrnEng Interactive Glossaries
Same deal as Spanish! Quizlet allows you to use audio and visual flashcards, create exams and play games. CLICK HERE to join the Quizlet class, French Interpreting Study, for formulaic language, legalese, medical vocab and much, much more. Feel free to correct any typos or mistranslations. This is a group effort!
Written Glossaries
SpnEng Written Glossaries
a. Formulaic Language CLICK HERE for help with high-register language, perfect for preparation for sight translation. Author unknown.
b. DNA CLICK HERE for a community glossary created by the study group, Federal Interpreters or Bust.
c. Expert Witness Topics CLICK HERE for a community glossary created by the study group, Federal Interpreters or Bust. This spreadsheet contains pages for fingerprints, human trafficking, money laundering, forensics, drugs, immigration and firearms.
d. Firearms and Ballistics CLICK HERE for a community glossary created by the study group, Federal Interpreters or Bust.
e. Wills CLICK HERE for a community glossary created by the study group, Federal Interpreters or Bust.
f. Home Invasion CLICK HERE for a community glossary created by the study group, Federal Interpreters or Bust.
g. Online Medical glossary: Medical Spanish Dialogues.
h. The Must-Have Medical Glossary: CLICK HERE
i. United Nations Terms: CLICK HERE
j. Drug flash cards
FrnEng Written Glossaries
a. CLICK HERE for a comprehensive legal glossary created by the University of Maryland
b. CLICK HERE for an awesome overview of the legal system in French. Learn vocabulary in context!
c. CLICK HERE for an online English-French legal dictionary
d. CLICK HERE for the French-English Dictionary from Tribunal de Commerce de Paris
e. CLICK HERE for a comprehensive “Droit de la Famille” glossary
f. CLICK HERE for a comprehensive “Droit Social” glossary
g. CLICK HERE for a link to purchase the Council of Europe French-English Dictionary!